Silk Social Media

Silkology was a marketing initiative with its roots in the early days of social media. The innovative campaign combined downloadable/pinnable recipes, mixology videos, and graphics to satisfy the Silk community’s appetite.

Skills Provided

Creative Direction •  Strategy • Copywriting • Food Style • Recipe Dev

Team Members

Photographer: Marc Piscotty Photography
Design: Danone Creative Team
Video: Chance Multimedia

Screen Shot 2014-04-23 at 2.49.41 PM.png
silkology group shot.jpg
Gingerbread People.jpg
Silk for Milk.jpg
Vegan Brownies.jpg
Creme Brulee.jpg
Maple Spice Donuts.jpg
Baking Tips.jpg
Nog Cake.jpg
Peppermint Fudge.jpg
Pumpkin Cheesecake.jpg